In order to notify a State aid measure to the European Commission a special order should be abided. Before notification of the State aid to the European Commission every planned aid measure – aid programme or individual aid project, as well as every amendment planned to existing aid programmes or individual aid projects – shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance for initial assessment. Only those projects that are implemented in accordance with an aid programme approved by the European Commission shall not be submitted to the Ministry of Finance for initial assessment, except for cases when necessity for initial assessment derives from the regulatory enactments of the European Union, Law on Control of Aid for Commercial Activity, aid programme or decision of the European Commission.
After initial assessment of the aid measure has been carried out the aid notification should be submitted to the European Commission. Notification of the aid programme or individual aid project should be submitted to the European Commission electronically through the aid notification electronic system under the management of the European Commission (see Section 6.4). If the aid programme or an individual aid project complies with legislative requirements, the European Commission approves the aid unconditionally. However, if the planned aid does not comply with legislative requirements then prior assessment procedure should be launched to provide a possibility to interested parties to submit information they possess.
Published: 02.12.2020.