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Receiving restrictions

Residents of Latvia who have the right to work in the profession of a sworn auditor and who wish to pursue a profession abroad may need recognition of professional qualifications in the foreign state in which the person wishes to work. The competent institution of the receiving State may request the person to submit a statement confirming that the person has the right to act in the profession of a sworn auditor regulated in the Republic of Latvia.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Residents of Latvia who have the right to work in the profession of a sworn auditor and who wish to pursue a profession abroad may need recognition of professional qualifications in the foreign state in which the person wishes to work. The competent institution of the receiving State may request the person to submit a statement confirming that the person has the right to act in the profession of a sworn auditor regulated in the Republic of Latvia.

    The submission to the Latvian Association of Sworn Auditors (hereinafter - LZRA) shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 8 of Cabinet Regulation No. 128 of 14 February 2006, Regulations regarding the Institutions, which Issue the Documents Required for the Residents of the Republic of Latvia for the Recognition of Their Professional Qualifications in Foreign States, and the Procedures for Issuing these Documents.

    In conformity with Cabinet Regulation No. 128 of 14 February 2006, Regulations Regarding Institutions, which Issues the Documents Required for the Residents of the Republic of Latvia for Recognition of Their Professional Qualification in Foreign States, and Procedures for Issuing Such Documents, Issue of the Documents Required for Recognition of a Person in Foreign States is a Fee Service and the Amount of Charges is specified in Paragraph 13 of these Regulations.

  2. Receipt of services
    THE LZRA shall issue the requested statement to the person after evaluating the documents submitted and receiving the fee for preparing the statement.