Baiba Bāne portretfoto

Baiba Bāne

State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance
baiba.bane [at]

Curriculum Vitae

2011 Duke University (North Carolina, USA), Budgeting and Financial Management in the Public Sector (certificate)
2003  University of Latvia. Faculty of Economics and Management, Master in Public Administration
1990    University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics, Professional Master in  Economics
1985    Riga 84th Secondary School


Work Experience
Since June 2014        State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance
Since August 2013     Member of the Board of the Free Port of Riga
02/2009 - 06/2014      Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance
11/2008 - 12/2013      Chairperson of the Council of the State-owned JSC Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka [Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia]
07/2007 - 11/2008       Member of the Council of the State-owned JSC Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka
02/2007 - 02/2009       Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Development and Municipal Affairs
10/2007 - 02/2009       Member of the Council of the Municipal Finance Equalisation Fund
02/2003 - 02/2007       Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture
02/2003 - 04/1998       Director of Budget and Finance Department of the Ministry of Agriculture